Password reset successfully Please enter valid Email Password must start with alphabet and should be minimum 8 characters long and maximum 16 characters long with 1 number and 1 special character Mobile number must have atleast 8 to 14 digits Select Nationality ID Type Owner Name must have at least 6 characters Driver Name must have at least 6 characters Policy Price can not be zero. you can not be process further.

The Benefits

  • The project is characterized by ease of implementation and is more transparent to all parties.
  • Manafith allows companies to manage insurance liabilities based on their own capabilities and in line with their risk management strategies.
  • The cost is expected to be lower for insurance companies,The expected improvement in performance is initially estimated at no less than 30%.
  • Najm will continue to centralize production and claims information in this model, and will provide a number of services that will be included in its fees, such as stats, performance, frequency, severity, etc. It will also provide the sector with regular price recommendations.
  • The participating companies will issue Manafith documents consecutively, obtain the relevant installments in normal settlement cases (for example monthly), and settle the resulting claims.
  • Najm will provide many services such as periodic performance analyzes, price reviews and other business recommendations.
  • The project is simpler to manage from a Najm perspective.
  • The project introduces the expected uniform distribution of risk among insurance companies.